Friday, May 6, 2011

The Unfolding Man

The Transcendental Man of Knowledge

What is Knowledge, a Gnosis?  The adept of the Golden Dawn comes to understand that true knowledge is life and life alive.  Knowledge is not static but rather ever changing.  It is the search and seeking of knowledge that creates the current, the movement.  It is that movement that gives life to the thought forms and ideas providing them their unfolding evolution. The spirals spreading out in rays of light to the universe are the healing waves of love created by the vivification of the forms by our search of the wildness.

As we seek to learn that we might serve, the journey stretches us up and around what we have known through what we believe we know to what we will someday know.

Of all the many things that you might ever learn the most important is that who ever you have been, it is not and can not be who you are today, and further more, it is certainly not who you will become.
There is great hope and great responsibility in this truth.

The Darkness of your last life is not the brilliance of this life.

Moina Mathers' pursuit of knowledge was securely true and an evidence of the unfolding of her mind and spirit.

The river gihon from the celestial source running forward.

So ask yourself:

What do I want my Legacy to be?

What do I want others to believe and know about me that they would say in my absence?

What do I like about my first years and what do I dislike about my early years?

These are the first things you should know and on their foundation you can build the temples of what you will know next.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Transcendent Lion

To will, Which  Lion in the Wardrobe?
An earlier Egyptian consideration for the same constellation known to us as Leo, was the image of the serpent.  For the serpent represents in to many practiced an learned initiates the will.  I offer that their are different flavors of will.  So why Lion versus Serpent. 
The will of the Lion in Ezekiel's vision is the un-conflicted will.
To be of a singular mind certain that stones will rise up to meet your feet when it is time to cross the great ravine.  What lower will inspires is reactionary and dependent upon what is known.  Higher will is given the wings of imagination and in its boundless possibilities it has no need to plunder.
The winged Lion gives us the will to transcend away from violence and toward the divine.

The sun creates and emits.
What is it that you will to be, do, have?
What is it that your will, will bestow you with, wings or belly?

Fear: F.alse E.vidence A.ppearing R.eal
Are you of a body of evidence? Are you of the world?
If you are most truly aware, than you know somewhere somehow, that you are not of this world, and the longer the dream the more challenging the development of clarity and lucidity.

To be aware as one author put it,
That Death has already happened, it is not to be feared because you have already experienced it and you are already on the other side of its circus mirror.
You have only to swing the scythe through your own illusion, and the stardust will scatter and you will inherit your birth rite, certainty, some will call it Faith.  

"Do not fear the reaper, for it has already had its way with you..."

Israel Regardie

Israel Regardie approached life with a will.  He saw not fear and trembling but the possibility of continuation of the great river of light.
Working to save his beloved from internment Israel Regardie planted the seeds of light in the fields of history.
And partly because of his efforts one school of light and knowledge has become many.
In some ways, he is the reason the Golden Dawn still blossoms today.

I've always felt a special warmth and connection for and with Israel.

The desire to enslave or conquer, this is the lower will.  
Wish not to enslave and conquer it but free it to be transformed by the limitless possibility
of Ain Soph Aur
(Light With No Boundaries)
Be of a singular mind, allow your heart and mind to resonate in harmony, allow each paddle, each wheel, each flower, each feel to spin together in the same purpose...and then dare that the miracle is already come...dare like the glorified more than know, to more than will, to more than dare....

The Will to Enlighten and to Brighten. 
This is the Winged Lion.
When the higher calls the lower into its service it transforms it into something new
something greater than it was.

Much Love, Special Pajamas  

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