Every conquering temptation represents a new fund of moral energy. Every trial endured and weathered in the right spirit makes a soul nobler and stronger than it was before.
William Butler Yeats
William Butler Yeats
The beauty of the mighty cherubim the perfected and purified (winged) bull is its most precious gift. Silence. Determined pondering and reflection. Can you see the deep and watery intensity of the bull's gentle eyes? Fantastic in its ability to peer into the depths of your soul. And capable of profound silence, allowing in its stillness and strength there of, to provide time and room for the fermentation of the idea revealing the truth.
What is the benefit to the aspirant, You may ask?
Well is it not, the maturing of our dream and idea before its appearance at court. Where the sharks and dragons called courtesans make quick meal of fledglings and infants. And, where the newly presented distinguished and cultured progeny level the waters and skies providing great fires which lingering insults from days gone by are not permitted by God to survive.
Well is it not, the maturing of our dream and idea before its appearance at court. Where the sharks and dragons called courtesans make quick meal of fledglings and infants. And, where the newly presented distinguished and cultured progeny level the waters and skies providing great fires which lingering insults from days gone by are not permitted by God to survive.
I see that many, to many men and women are quick to break the seal of their spiritual experience and share with others what can only serve to confound them. Keep your secrets my friend. Some Keys and combinations are for all of us to share. Some Keys are Your keys and yours alone. Sometimes so personally shaped to your experiences and the memories of your sphere of sensation are your revelations that they serve only to confuse and muddy the clarity of another's soul. Do not be to eager to place your personal revelations out on the banquet table, for know this: What you may cherish others may discard as rubbish.
You may however by gaining your elevation through study and discernment better know upon the maturing of your faculty and the idea itself whether it is idiosyncratic, a matter societal importance to your brethren and sisters of the light, or even of global relevance.
Of course too much rain could cause the sprout to be ripped from the soil before it can anchor itself and become a vine that supplies much fruit. So in your zealousness to share the blossom, you could in fact rob the future of important nourishment.
Think on it awhile, and whatever your conclusion, give its blossom time to be pollinated and produce succulent fleshy fruits. Then take the fruits and mull them, seal their juices tightly away into the dark and nurturing warmth. Allow that the lion and the dragon tutor them and finally share the wine that is the higher spirit of your original idea. And for this you will be rewarded. No one need know what it is you've just discovered.
Respectfully and Sincerely,
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