Hygiene refers to the set of practices perceived by a community to be associated with the preservation of health and healthy living. While in modern medical sciences there are a set of standards of hygiene recommended for different situations, what is considered hygienic or not can vary between different cultures,
Well what is spiritual hygiene?
And why is it I should Believe it's important:
Its pretty simple really. If you are at a party or simply being social. If someone has poor hygiene we tend to gravitate toward or away from them. Well its kind of relative, if you have impeccable hygiene you may view someone with good or modicum hygiene as having poor hygiene. If you have no hygiene you may view someone with otherwise poor hygiene as have good hygiene.
OK and that matters how, Pajamas?"
Well while those of us with diplomacy and polite social grace, two forms of observable grace, will often willfully endure the the unpleasantness of poor hygiene it does and will, in the honest heart, limit our capacity for intimacy. Spirits have types of intimacy as well. And, Unless we or they can dig into a deeper connection in some area the full development of the relationship can be stifled. I am not proposing that we are ever superficial or judgmental about such things simply that we are drawn most naturally to that which is clean. Undoubtedly we can agree that being drawn to waste and decay is abberative if it is not for the purpose of transforming it.
Oh yeah, my point...sorry about that I try not to be an otter... or is that a ferret?
There you are you bright shining thing!
Spiritual Hygiene is important for these reasons especially...
- So that we might attract spirit and forces of similar current as ourselves or our desired future self.
- So that we might recognize entities and powers that are not in accordance with our paths.
- In order that we might be a suitable vessel for higher vibrational energy while in the process of perfecting ourselves.
Florence Farr
Florence Farr understood the need for Spiritual Hygiene:
In her time as a Golden Dawn adept Florence Farr kept tight and close to her heart the principles of spiritual hygiene. Florence performed her daily disciplines and developed a keen spiritual discernment.
Great Spiritual Hygiene is:
- Recognizing the difference between intensity and truth
- Testing all spirits and visions (crucial)
- Being disciplined about your silence allowing your ideas and revelations to mature, so as to not unwittingly promote or spread mirage or illusion as if it were the Voice of Divinity.
- Habitually and Regularly cleaning your sphere of sensation
- Keeping your vessel charged and prepared to illuminate the darkness (You never know when the bride groom may show)
I'm not suggesting that you think that you should join the Golden Dawn. And I don't know if you'll believe in the importance of spiritual hygiene, or not. What I am suggesting is that in my life and in the lives of all aspirants, religious, and spiritual leaders it is necessary for enduring success and elevation/ illumination.
Some of the most powerful angelic forces I have ever encountered leave you with an imprint that is most pure and unadulterated, and they are most difficult to access when you haven't washed your hands.
In the animal kingdom we wash our hands to protect the innocent:
I the spiritual realms we wash our hands because the most noble of spirits are concerned with our well being and know that their beauty and innocence, their perfect light, will burn away the soil, and that pain from such encounters might adversely affect our growth and evolution.
On the other hand the most vile of spirits and entities could care less how they affect our spheres and usually will come bearing grand praises and accolades in the form of intoxicating visions most closely aligned with our greatest spiritual hygiene challenge. So be industrious and regimented in your practices. And know that there will be spirits who can not smell their own stench, and they will also be drawn to your rosy fragrance.
So let your daily rituals and your studies and your efforts be toward developing a worthiness for a continually increasing discernment. Ask and it shall be given to you (just remember it may be gradual in increase, patience my excited one). Why a greater discernment? For the true aspirant of the light seeks truth above intensity, love above force, and submission to the Highest Genius above control.
So wash your hands after holding anything unclean, so that you are always prepared to adore the innocent. (sometimes that's your own innocence)
Banish (or cleanse, incense, or smudge) after any unclean event or interaction.
So if you want to, you can try this too:
If you have had an encounter of any kind,
social, physical, emotional, spiritual, worldly, or other-worldly:
as you move away from it or as it moves away from you...
Imagine this:
above you an etheric or astral loving mother made of star light is pouring a warm and brilliant (nearly blinding) golden and silver water down upon your head.
As it gently rinses around your crown and skull
It drips down your face and rushes through the inside of your head
it fills your mind and begins to run out of your ears and eyes
It smells of roses with hints of vanilla and cedar
its rolling down you face and around you lips tickling and illuminating your skin
inside and outside, outside and inside
it begins to pour out of your mouth and down your neck
down your throat
continue to feel it move through and down your entire body.
when it fills your trunk and runs down into and around you hands it flows out of your fingers.
And as the Heavenly Mother continues to rinse you clean
You may notice that the healing water it is getting brighter
As it moves through and around your groin and issues forth from you beaming as if it is sunlight
It flows down and around your legs and out of the bottoms of your feet and your toes.
And as if you were floating in space is runs out ward and onward until all that is left is the pure and cleansed source of your center and self.
And see if you recognize that you are relaxed and empowered.
Any way that one works for me in a pinch.
There are many other techniques, Florence Farr for instance made great use of what is referred to in the Golden Dawn as the LBRP.
Best advice I can imagine that Florence Farr would give to any initiate: wash your hands, brush your teeth, and do your LBRP! Do it for Flo!
In Love, Truth, and Knowledge,
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow:
Special Pajamas